Comp Killer CS2 - Rage Section

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Rage - Aim assist​


  • Enabled - Main toggle for the ragebot, enables the rage aim assist section.
  • Silent Aim - Makes the aimbot lock to the target without changing your viewangles.
  • Auto Scope - Scopes in if target is found.
  • Compensate Spread - Compensates spread values in order to make your aim accurate.
  • Double Tap - Allows you to shoot 2 bullets without delay.
  • Duck Peek Assist - Crouches and uncrouches when the ragebot found a target.
  • Limit Fov - Limits the ragebots field of view.
  • Min Dmg Override - Overrides minimum damage to the selected value when the keybind is active.
  • Disable Penetration - If the target is behind a wall and the keybind is active the ragebot will skip it.
  • Override Hitboxes - Overrides the target hitboxes if the keybind is active.

Weapon Selection:​

  • Weapon group selection - Change settings for weapon groups.
  • Enabled - Enables ragebot for the current weapon group.
  • Minimum Damage - This is the minimum damage the ragebot has to deal in order to start shooting the target.
  • Hitchance - This is the minimum chance the ragebot has to hit the target.
  • Auto Stop - Makes you accurate while shooting.
  • Auto Stop Options - Conditions for the auto stop option.
  • Target Hitboxes - The hitboxes that will be scanned by the ragebot when selecting a target.
  • Multipointed Hitboxes - This will make the hitboxes have multiple points where the ragebot can shoot at.
  • Static Multipoints - The multipoint scale will remain the same no matter what, if this is off the scale will change according to the target speed and position, making you more accurate.
  • Head Multipoint Scale - Change how far from the hitbox center the multipoints are going to be.
  • Body Multipoint Scale - Change how far from the hitbox center the multipoints are going to be.

Rage - Anti Aim​

Anti Aim I:​

  • Enabled - Main toggle for the anti aim, enables the rage anti aim section.
  • Pitch Base - Changes your characters pitch angle
  • Zero Pitch When Sideways - Makes your pitch 0 when sideways to allow you to peek further from walls without exposing your head.
  • Yaw Base - Rotates your characters yaw.
  • Yaw Modifier - Allows you to adjust your yaw angle.

Anti Aim II:

  • Direction Indicator - Indicates the current manual direction.
  • Indicator Size - Change the size of the indicator.
  • Indicator Spacing - Change the Spacing of the indicator.
  • Force Back, Right, Left - Manual overrides for anti aim.
  • Force Freestand - Puts your head closest to the nearest wall to protect you.
  • Manual Direction - Puts your head in the direction of your mouse cursor.
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